Thank you for your interest in serving on the Little Light House Youth Advisory Board. Our Mission is to “Glorify God by improving the quality of life for children with special needs, their families and communities.” To accomplish this mission we rely on individuals committed to serving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior with the talents, knowledge and wisdom He has given them.
In an effort to engage youth in philanthropy and begin a path to nonprofit leadership, the Little Light House has established a Youth Advisory Board. Through participation in this program, young people will be given the opportunity to learn leadership skills, gain understanding of how a nonprofit organization works and how to develop, promote and implement their ideas to further God’s kingdom.
Little Light House desires to engage, educate and inspire young people to become more involved in their community. The relationships benefit all as LLH creates awareness of its services in high schools and colleges, resulting in more volunteers and donations, and students receive valuable work experience, leadership training and service hours.
Below, you will find the application. All individuals who feel called to serve at LLH are welcome to apply. All applications will be reviewed and acknowledged within 1 week of completion.
The Youth Advisory Board will hold Thursday evening meetings from 6:00-7:30pm, with dates to be agreed upon. Members will have one meeting a month April-June, and two meetings a month July-November. Youth Advisory Board members are expected to serve on the following: you will complete a summer volunteer requirement, attend Fall Fest (Nov 6), and not miss more than 4 meetings.
Responses will be held in confidence. All applications will remain on file for 1 year from the date of application.
Thank you.
Sara Emery, Volunteer Engagement Manager
Lucy Foster, Volunteer Engagement Assistant
Please note- if you are over 18, a background check will be required. All members of the YAB will need to complete waivers and paperwork each term.
Provide an email address you will check each week
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Phone Number
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Mailing Address
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School and Grade for 2024/2025 School Year
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Are you a previous member of the Youth Advisory Board? If so, what years?
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Are you 14 or older?
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Do you speak any other language besides English? If so, which?
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How did you find out about Little Light House?
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Why do you wish to be a member of our Youth Advisory Board?
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Are you affiliated with any other organizations or activities? If so, which?
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Describe any Christian service in which you have been involved.
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Please read through your answers and sign your name that you agree
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